• Savoir-faire

The Sausage Melee

La Mêlée du Saucisson

Let's not get tangled up in "the melee"

Making a dry sausage is actually putting "the scrum" in a casing. Be careful not to confuse it with the scrum in rugby, although there are many analogies...

1. The composition of the sausage mixture

The sausage melee,

It is the mixture of fat and lean parts (muscles) of the pig that is salted and seasoned in its own way and which has the appearance of sausage meat. At Debroas, we add a touch of Syrha d'Ardèche red wine in accordance with our original local recipe.

The rugby scrum,

It's the mix of the forwards of both teams. The forwards are affectionately called "the big ones" in rugby jargon. And a big one in rugby, we can say that it's a mix of fat and muscle. And often, in the third half, there's red. Surprising, isn't it?

2. The geographical location for the sausage melee

If we compare the regions of France where dry sausage is made and those where rugby is played, there is a certain similarity, it is also very surprising! So embark with us on this lovely and tasty journey...

Let's start with the southwest, the birthplace of rugby and a great region for charcuterie. There you will find Bayonne ham, Pyrenees sausages, Toulouse sausage. And what about this great rugby region with the teams from Bayonne, Biarritz, Bordeaux Begles and Toulouse ? Going east, you will find the sausages from the Montagne Noire surrounded by Castres, Narbonne and Béziers, three cities where rugby is king. Then, we go to Nîmes and its neighbor Arles with its famous donkey sausage.

Going up the Rhone Valley, taste the good sausages of Ardèche (ours :)) and the former famous team of La Voulte of the Camberabero brothers team. We arrive in Lyon where the emblematic sausage is the Rosette de Lyon. In the Alps, these are the small flavored sausages, Savoy specialties very widespread in the ski resorts with the cities of Chambéry and not far away Grenoble .

Now let's move on to the Massif Central, with its famous Auvergne sausages and there we find the great team from Clermont-Ferrand .

Then Paris, which has two teams: Racing and Stade Français , but unfortunately they don't make sausage. But you can find everything in Paris, can't you?

Finally, the exceptions that confirm the rule: Toulon and more recently La Rochelle with its magnificent season in Top 14 this year. So Toulon and Rochelais, we forgive you for not making sausages because the climate is not favorable to you but we have no doubt that you are great fans of this wonderful local product!

3. The movement

mixed dry sausage

In rugby, the referee positions the scrum using three commands: "Crounch", "Bind" and "Set". It is at the third command that the serious stuff happens, that is to say "the push" when the two teams collide, then the strongest wins. Well, imagine that the sausage scrum is pushed (with a pusher) into a more or less large casing so that it takes the shape of a sausage or a sausage.

The melee of our dry sausages

Our locally flavored sausages combine authenticity and health:

  • Use of fresh and noble meat; 100% pure traced French pork, exclusively shoulder and breast
  • Use of 100% natural ingredients, without colorings; salt, pepper, spices, Syrha d'Ardèche wine
  • Respect for the original recipes, generous in meat with only 20% fat in the implementation

Is it the sausage scrum that gave its name to the rugby scrum or the rugby scrum that gave its name to the sausage scrum?
That is the question...