5 idées cadeaux de saucisson sec pour offrir

5 idées cadeaux de saucisson sec pour offrir

Vous cherchez des idées cadeaux gourmandes et hésitez entre plusieurs variétés de saucisson sec, toutes aussi savoureuses les unes que les autres ? Avec nos box, c’est facile : chacune d’elles contient un bouquet de...

Calendrier de l'avent saucissons

Calendrier de l’Avent saucisson : à chaque jour, son petit (ou grand) régal

Nous avons confectionné pour vous un calendrier de l’Avent saucissons pour patienter jusqu’à Noël sans se frustrer ! Outre nos idées qui vous aideront à constituer vos repas de fêtes, il y a...

Figatellu : tout savoir sur cette charcuterie corse

Figatellu: everything you need to know about this Corsican charcuterie

Figatellu: everything you need to know about this Corsican charcuterie THE figatellu Corsica is one of the emblematic charcuterie products of the Isle of Beauty. This dried sausage can be enjoyed in a thousand...

Quelle différence entre le pâté et la terrine ?

What is the difference between pâté and terrine?

When it comes to meat or poultry, pâté and artisanal terrine mean exactly the same thing. The main difference lies in their traditional cooking method, which is no longer really...

15 idées de cadeaux gourmands à offrir

15 gourmet gift ideas to offer

Are you short on original gift ideas for the end-of-year holidays ? Opt for a gourmet solution. It's the kind of gift that never disappoints and what's more, you can...

Box apéro : un éventail de délices ardéchois à offrir

Aperitif box: a range of Ardèche delicacies to offer

Sausage, terrine, beer… the aperitif box for 2 contains everything you need to have a good time together!

Nos saucissons récompensés au Mondial du Saucisson 2023 !

Our sausages rewarded at the Mondial du Saucisson 2023!

La Boutique des Saucissons has just won 3 medals at the Rabelais World Saucisson Competition! Discover our award-winning sausages at the 2023 Rabelais World Saucisson Competition.

Guillotine à saucisson, de quoi parle-t-on ?

Sausage guillotine, what are we talking about?

What is a sausage guillotine? Apart from the amazing object that can fascinate many curious people, the sausage guillotine is a real kitchen tool. It is generally quite popular among...

Qu’est-ce que le chorizo ?

What is chorizo?

If you don't mind, let's start at the beginning: what is chorizo? Chorizo ​​is a Spanish sausage made from pork and seasoned with spices, including chili pepper and paprika (pimentón)...

Lutte gaspillage alimentaire

Fight against food waste

La Boutique des Saucissons gives a second life to “non-compliant” products. In traditional distribution channels, products must all be identical: same weight, same color and same appearance.